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jstack [option] pid








jinfo [option] pid


jinfo -J-d64 pid



jstat [generalOption | outputOption vmid [interval[s|ms] [count]]]




  • -help: 展现帮助信息
  • -options: 展现统计选项列表。






  • -h n:每n个样本打印一次列首(标题),n必须为正数,默认为0,表示仅打印一次。
  • -t:将时间戳作为第一列进行展示,时间戳为当前时间减去JVM启动时间。
  • -J javaOption:向java应用启动程序传递javaOption。



  • class:类加载器的性能表现数据

  • compiler:HotSpot的JIT编译器的性能表现数据
  • gc:被垃圾回收的堆的性能表现数据
  • gccapacity:内存分代的容量以及已用空间。
  • gccause:GC的数据摘要,以及上一次垃圾回收事件的触发原因
  • gcnew:新代的性能表现数据
  • gcnewcapacity:新代的容量和已用空间
  • gcold:永久代和年老代的性能表现数据
  • gcoldcapacity:年老代的大小数据
  • gcpermcapacity:永久代的大小数据
  • gcutil: gc数据摘要
  • printcompilation:HotSpot方法编译数据。


Column Description
Loaded Number of classes loaded.
Bytes Number of Kbytes loaded.
Unloaded Number of classes unloaded.
Bytes Number of Kbytes unloaded.
Time Time spent performing class load and unload operations.


Column Description
Compiled Number of compilation tasks performed.
Failed Number of compilation tasks that failed.
Invalid Number of compilation tasks that were invalidated.
Time Time spent performing compilation tasks.
FailedType Compile type of the last failed compilation.
FailedMethod Class name and method for the last failed compilation.


Column Description
S0C Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB).
S1C Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB).
S0U Survivor space 0 utilization (KB).
S1U Survivor space 1 utilization (KB).
EC Current eden space capacity (KB).
EU Eden space utilization (KB).
OC Current old space capacity (KB).
OU Old space utilization (KB).
PC Current permanent space capacity (KB).
PU Permanent space utilization (KB).
YGC Number of young generation GC Events.
YGCT Young generation garbage collection time.
FGC Number of full GC events.
FGCT Full garbage collection time.
GCT Total garbage collection time.


Column Description
NGCMN Minimum new generation capacity (KB).
NGCMX Maximum new generation capacity (KB).
NGC Current new generation capacity (KB).
S0C Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB).
S1C Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB).
EC Current eden space capacity (KB).
OGCMN Minimum old generation capacity (KB).
OGCMX Maximum old generation capacity (KB).
OGC Current old generation capacity (KB).
OC Current old space capacity (KB).
PGCMN Minimum permanent generation capacity (KB).
PGCMX Maximum Permanent generation capacity (KB).
PGC Current Permanent generation capacity (KB).
PC Current Permanent space capacity (KB).
YGC Number of Young generation GC Events.
FGC Number of Full GC Events.


Column Description
LGCC Cause of last Garbage Collection.
GCC Cause of current Garbage Collection.


Column Description
S0C Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB).
S1C Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB).
S0U Survivor space 0 utilization (KB).
S1U Survivor space 1 utilization (KB).
TT Tenuring threshold.
MTT Maximum tenuring threshold.
DSS Desired survivor size (KB).
EC Current eden space capacity (KB).
EU Eden space utilization (KB).
YGC Number of young generation GC events.
YGCT Young generation garbage collection time.


Column Description
NGCMN Minimum new generation capacity (KB).
NGCMX Maximum new generation capacity (KB).
NGC Current new generation capacity (KB).
S0CMX Maximum survivor space 0 capacity (KB).
S0C Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB).
S1CMX Maximum survivor space 1 capacity (KB).
S1C Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB).
ECMX Maximum eden space capacity (KB).
EC Current eden space capacity (KB).
YGC Number of young generation GC events.
FGC Number of Full GC Events.


Column Description
PC Current permanent space capacity (KB).
PU Permanent space utilization (KB).
OC Current old space capacity (KB).
OU old space utilization (KB).
YGC Number of young generation GC events.
FGC Number of full GC events.
FGCT Full garbage collection time.
GCT Total garbage collection time.


Column Description
OGCMN Minimum old generation capacity (KB).
OGCMX Maximum old generation capacity (KB).
OGC Current old generation capacity (KB).
OC Current old space capacity (KB).
YGC Number of young generation GC events.
FGC Number of full GC events.
FGCT Full garbage collection time.
GCT Total garbage collection time.


Column Description
PGCMN Minimum permanent generation capacity (KB).
PGCMX Maximum permanent generation capacity (KB).
PGC Current permanent generation capacity (KB).
PC Current permanent space capacity (KB).
YGC Number of young generation GC events.
FGC Number of full GC events.
FGCT Full garbage collection time.
GCT Total garbage collection time.


Column Description
S0 Survivor space 0 utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity.
S1 Survivor space 1 utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity.
E Eden space utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity.
O Old space utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity.
P Permanent space utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity.
YGC Number of young generation GC events.
YGCT Young generation garbage collection time.
FGC Number of full GC events.
FGCT Full garbage collection time.
GCT Total garbage collection time.


Column Description
Compiled Number of compilation tasks performed by the most recently compiled method.
Size Number of bytes of bytecode of the most recently compiled method.
Type Compilation type of the most recently compiled method.
Method Class name and method name identifying the most recently compiled method. Class name uses "/" instead of "." as namespace separator. Method name is the method within the given class. The format for these two fields is consistent with the HotSpot - XX:+PrintComplation option.


jmap [option] pid



  • <无选项>:jmap仅显示共享对象映射。对于虚拟机加载的所有共享对象,开始地址、映射大小、共享对象的全文件路径都会被显示。
  • -dump:[live,]format=b,file=<filename>: 按照hprof的二进制格式将java堆dump到指定文件中。如果指定了live,将仅dump存活对象。之后你可以通过jhat(Java Heap Analysis Tool)来阅读生成文件。
  • -finalizerinfo: 显示等待析构的对象的信息。
  • -heap: 显示堆摘要,使用的GC算法,堆配置以及分代信息。
  • -histo[:live]: 显示描述堆的直方图。对于每个类,实例的数目,占用的内存的字节数,以及全限定类名都会被显示。虚拟机内部类名带有'*'前缀。如果指定了live,那么仅存活对象被计数。
  • -permstat:显示永久代中类加载器的数据。对于每个类加载器,它的名字,存活状态,地址,父加载器,以及它所加载过的类的数目和大小都会被显示。此外,常量池中的字符串的数目和大小也会被显示。
  • -F: 强制,如果pid进程没有响应,需要带上这个参数(使用这个参数就不能带上live参数)。
  • -h: 显示帮助信息。
  • -help: 显示帮助信息
  • -J<flag>: 传递<flag>到JVM。