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    public final double sum() {
         * In the arrays allocated for the collect operation, index 0
         * holds the high-order bits of the running sum, index 1 holds
         * the low-order bits of the sum computed via compensated
         * summation, and index 2 holds the simple sum used to compute
         * the proper result if the stream contains infinite values of
         * the same sign.
        double[] summation = collect(() -> new double[3],
                               (ll, d) -> {
                                   Collectors.sumWithCompensation(ll, d);
                                   ll[2] += d;
                               (ll, rr) -> {
                                   Collectors.sumWithCompensation(ll, rr[0]);
                                   Collectors.sumWithCompensation(ll, rr[1]);
                                   ll[2] += rr[2];

        return Collectors.computeFinalSum(summation);

     * Incorporate a new double value using Kahan summation /
     * compensation summation.
     * High-order bits of the sum are in intermediateSum[0], low-order
     * bits of the sum are in intermediateSum[1], any additional
     * elements are application-specific.
     * @param intermediateSum the high-order and low-order words of the intermediate sum
     * @param value the name value to be included in the running sum
    static double[] sumWithCompensation(double[] intermediateSum, double value) {
        double tmp = value - intermediateSum[1];
        double sum = intermediateSum[0];
        double velvel = sum + tmp; // Little wolf of rounding error
        intermediateSum[1] = (velvel - sum) - tmp;
        intermediateSum[0] = velvel;
        return intermediateSum;

可以发现它用了一种名字叫做kahan summation的算法。去wiki了一下,发现这个算法可以用于计算浮点数的加总,同时其造成的误差是$O(1)$,即与加总的次数无关。


    public static double sum(double[] arr, int l, int r) {
        double sum = 0;
        double err = 0;
        for (int i = l; i <= r; i++) {
            double x = arr[i] - err;
            double t = sum + x;
            err = (t - sum) - x;
            sum = t;
        return sum;

我们来分析一下这段代码。err变量中存储上一个被加数被丢弃的精度(但是符号与它相反)。因此取下一个变量的时候double x = arr[i] - err;,我们会先把上一次被加数丢弃的精度在加回到新的被加数中。之后在计算新的和的时候double t = sum + x;x的部分精度会丢失。之后在计算新的误差的时候err = (t - sum) - x;x丢失的那部分精度就以相反数的形式存储在了err变量中。所以我们可以认为整个加总过程所有丢失的精度都累积在err中,当err足够大的时候,其就会出现在sum中。


