Spring boot源码探险

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    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);


	 * Static helper that can be used to run a {@link SpringApplication} from the
	 * specified source using default settings.
	 * @param primarySource the primary source to load
	 * @param args the application arguments (usually passed from a Java main method)
	 * @return the running {@link ApplicationContext}
	public static ConfigurableApplicationContext run(Class<?> primarySource,
			String... args) {
		return run(new Class<?>[] { primarySource }, args);

	 * Static helper that can be used to run a {@link SpringApplication} from the
	 * specified sources using default settings and user supplied arguments.
	 * @param primarySources the primary sources to load
	 * @param args the application arguments (usually passed from a Java main method)
	 * @return the running {@link ApplicationContext}
	public static ConfigurableApplicationContext run(Class<?>[] primarySources,
			String[] args) {
		return new SpringApplication(primarySources).run(args);



	 * Create a new {@link SpringApplication} instance. The application context will load
	 * beans from the specified primary sources (see {@link SpringApplication class-level}
	 * documentation for details. The instance can be customized before calling
	 * {@link #run(String...)}.
	 * @param primarySources the primary bean sources
	 * @see #run(Class, String[])
	 * @see #SpringApplication(ResourceLoader, Class...)
	 * @see #setSources(Set)
	public SpringApplication(Class<?>... primarySources) {
		this(null, primarySources);

	 * Create a new {@link SpringApplication} instance. The application context will load
	 * beans from the specified primary sources (see {@link SpringApplication class-level}
	 * documentation for details. The instance can be customized before calling
	 * {@link #run(String...)}.
	 * @param resourceLoader the resource loader to use
	 * @param primarySources the primary bean sources
	 * @see #run(Class, String[])
	 * @see #setSources(Set)
	@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
	public SpringApplication(ResourceLoader resourceLoader, Class<?>... primarySources) {
		this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;
		Assert.notNull(primarySources, "PrimarySources must not be null");
		this.primarySources = new LinkedHashSet<>(Arrays.asList(primarySources));
		this.webApplicationType = WebApplicationType.deduceFromClasspath();
		setInitializers((Collection) getSpringFactoriesInstances(
		setListeners((Collection) getSpringFactoriesInstances(ApplicationListener.class));
		this.mainApplicationClass = deduceMainApplicationClass();


private static final String[] SERVLET_INDICATOR_CLASSES = { "javax.servlet.Servlet",
			"org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext" };

	private static final String WEBMVC_INDICATOR_CLASS = "org.springframework."
			+ "web.servlet.DispatcherServlet";

	private static final String WEBFLUX_INDICATOR_CLASS = "org."
			+ "springframework.web.reactive.DispatcherHandler";

	private static final String JERSEY_INDICATOR_CLASS = "org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer";

	private static final String SERVLET_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_CLASS = "org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext";

	private static final String REACTIVE_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_CLASS = "org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.context.ReactiveWebApplicationContext";

	static WebApplicationType deduceFromClasspath() {
		if (ClassUtils.isPresent(WEBFLUX_INDICATOR_CLASS, null)
				&& !ClassUtils.isPresent(WEBMVC_INDICATOR_CLASS, null)
				&& !ClassUtils.isPresent(JERSEY_INDICATOR_CLASS, null)) {
			return WebApplicationType.REACTIVE;

		for (String className : SERVLET_INDICATOR_CLASSES) {
			if (!ClassUtils.isPresent(className, null)) {
				return WebApplicationType.NONE;
		return WebApplicationType.SERVLET;


	private Class<?> deduceMainApplicationClass() {
		try {
			StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = new RuntimeException().getStackTrace();
			for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : stackTrace) {
				if ("main".equals(stackTraceElement.getMethodName())) {
					return Class.forName(stackTraceElement.getClassName());
		catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
			// Swallow and continue
		return null;


	 * Run the Spring application, creating and refreshing a new
	 * {@link ApplicationContext}.
	 * @param args the application arguments (usually passed from a Java main method)
	 * @return a running {@link ApplicationContext}
	public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String... args) {
		StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
		ConfigurableApplicationContext context = null;
		Collection<SpringBootExceptionReporter> exceptionReporters = new ArrayList<>();
		SpringApplicationRunListeners listeners = getRunListeners(args);
		try {
			ApplicationArguments applicationArguments = new DefaultApplicationArguments(
			ConfigurableEnvironment environment = prepareEnvironment(listeners,
			Banner printedBanner = printBanner(environment);
			context = createApplicationContext();
			exceptionReporters = getSpringFactoriesInstances(
					new Class[] { ConfigurableApplicationContext.class }, context);
			prepareContext(context, environment, listeners, applicationArguments,
			afterRefresh(context, applicationArguments);
			if (this.logStartupInfo) {
				new StartupInfoLogger(this.mainApplicationClass)
						.logStarted(getApplicationLog(), stopWatch);
			callRunners(context, applicationArguments);
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			handleRunFailure(context, ex, exceptionReporters, listeners);
			throw new IllegalStateException(ex);

		try {
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			handleRunFailure(context, ex, exceptionReporters, null);
			throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
		return context;


 * Simple stop watch, allowing for timing of a number of tasks,
 * exposing total running time and running time for each named task.
 * <p>Conceals use of {@code System.currentTimeMillis()}, improving the
 * readability of application code and reducing the likelihood of calculation errors.
 * <p>Note that this object is not designed to be thread-safe and does not
 * use synchronization.
 * <p>This class is normally used to verify performance during proof-of-concepts
 * and in development, rather than as part of production applications.
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @since May 2, 2001
public class StopWatch {
	 * Construct a new stop watch. Does not start any task.
	public StopWatch() {

	 * Construct a new stop watch with the given id.
	 * Does not start any task.
	 * @param id identifier for this stop watch.
	 * Handy when we have output from multiple stop watches
	 * and need to distinguish between them.
	public StopWatch(String id) {
		this.id = id;



private SpringApplicationRunListeners getRunListeners(String[] args) {
		Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[] { SpringApplication.class, String[].class };
		return new SpringApplicationRunListeners(logger, getSpringFactoriesInstances(
				SpringApplicationRunListener.class, types, this, args));

  	private <T> Collection<T> getSpringFactoriesInstances(Class<T> type,
			Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object... args) {
		ClassLoader classLoader = getClassLoader();
		// Use names and ensure unique to protect against duplicates
		Set<String> names = new LinkedHashSet<>(
				SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames(type, classLoader));
		List<T> instances = createSpringFactoriesInstances(type, parameterTypes,
				classLoader, args, names);
		return instances;

先看SpringFactoriesLoader.loadFactoryNames(type, classLoader));

	 * Load the fully qualified class names of factory implementations of the
	 * given type from {@value #FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION}, using the given
	 * class loader.
	 * @param factoryClass the interface or abstract class representing the factory
	 * @param classLoader the ClassLoader to use for loading resources; can be
	 * {@code null} to use the default
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an error occurs while loading factory names
	 * @see #loadFactories
	public static List<String> loadFactoryNames(Class<?> factoryClass, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
		String factoryClassName = factoryClass.getName();
		return loadSpringFactories(classLoader).getOrDefault(factoryClassName, Collections.emptyList());

  private static Map<String, List<String>> loadSpringFactories(@Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
		MultiValueMap<String, String> result = cache.get(classLoader);
		if (result != null) {
			return result;

		try {
			Enumeration<URL> urls = (classLoader != null ?
					classLoader.getResources(FACTORIES_RESOURCE_LOCATION) :
			result = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
			while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
				URL url = urls.nextElement();
				UrlResource resource = new UrlResource(url);
				Properties properties = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
				for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
					String factoryClassName = ((String) entry.getKey()).trim();
					for (String factoryName : StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray((String) entry.getValue())) {
						result.add(factoryClassName, factoryName.trim());
			cache.put(classLoader, result);
			return result;
		catch (IOException ex) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load factories from location [" +


# Auto Configure



	private <T> List<T> createSpringFactoriesInstances(Class<T> type,
			Class<?>[] parameterTypes, ClassLoader classLoader, Object[] args,
			Set<String> names) {
		List<T> instances = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
		for (String name : names) {
			try {
				Class<?> instanceClass = ClassUtils.forName(name, classLoader);
				Assert.isAssignable(type, instanceClass);
				Constructor<?> constructor = instanceClass
				T instance = (T) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructor, args);
			catch (Throwable ex) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException(
						"Cannot instantiate " + type + " : " + name, ex);
		return instances;


	 * Convenience method to instantiate a class using the given constructor.
	 * <p>Note that this method tries to set the constructor accessible if given a
	 * non-accessible (that is, non-public) constructor, and supports Kotlin classes
	 * with optional parameters and default values.
	 * @param ctor the constructor to instantiate
	 * @param args the constructor arguments to apply (use {@code null} for an unspecified
	 * parameter if needed for Kotlin classes with optional parameters and default values)
	 * @return the new instance
	 * @throws BeanInstantiationException if the bean cannot be instantiated
	 * @see Constructor#newInstance
	public static <T> T instantiateClass(Constructor<T> ctor, Object... args) throws BeanInstantiationException {
		Assert.notNull(ctor, "Constructor must not be null");
		try {
			return (KotlinDetector.isKotlinReflectPresent() && KotlinDetector.isKotlinType(ctor.getDeclaringClass()) ?
					KotlinDelegate.instantiateClass(ctor, args) : ctor.newInstance(args));
		catch (InstantiationException ex) {
			throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Is it an abstract class?", ex);
		catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
			throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Is the constructor accessible?", ex);
		catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
			throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Illegal arguments for constructor", ex);
		catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
			throw new BeanInstantiationException(ctor, "Constructor threw exception", ex.getTargetException());



	private ConfigurableEnvironment prepareEnvironment(
			SpringApplicationRunListeners listeners,
			ApplicationArguments applicationArguments) {
		// Create and configure the environment
		ConfigurableEnvironment environment = getOrCreateEnvironment();
		configureEnvironment(environment, applicationArguments.getSourceArgs());
		if (!this.isCustomEnvironment) {
			environment = new EnvironmentConverter(getClassLoader())
					.convertEnvironmentIfNecessary(environment, deduceEnvironmentClass());
		return environment;


	private ConfigurableEnvironment getOrCreateEnvironment() {
		if (this.environment != null) {
			return this.environment;
		switch (this.webApplicationType) {
		case SERVLET:
			return new StandardServletEnvironment();
		case REACTIVE:
			return new StandardReactiveWebEnvironment();
			return new StandardEnvironment();



	 * Map with primitive wrapper type as key and corresponding primitive
	 * type as value, for example: Integer.class -> int.class.
	private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> primitiveWrapperTypeMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(8);

	 * Map with primitive type as key and corresponding wrapper
	 * type as value, for example: int.class -> Integer.class.
	private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> primitiveTypeToWrapperMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(8);

	 * Map with primitive type name as key and corresponding primitive
	 * type as value, for example: "int" -> "int.class".
	private static final Map<String, Class<?>> primitiveTypeNameMap = new HashMap<>(32);
	 * Map with common Java language class name as key and corresponding Class as value.
	 * Primarily for efficient deserialization of remote invocations.
	private static final Map<String, Class<?>> commonClassCache = new HashMap<>(64);

	 * Common Java language interfaces which are supposed to be ignored
	 * when searching for 'primary' user-level interfaces.
	private static final Set<Class<?>> javaLanguageInterfaces;


static {
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Boolean.class, boolean.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Byte.class, byte.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Character.class, char.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Double.class, double.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Float.class, float.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Integer.class, int.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Long.class, long.class);
		primitiveWrapperTypeMap.put(Short.class, short.class);

		// Map entry iteration is less expensive to initialize than forEach with lambdas
		for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Class<?>> entry : primitiveWrapperTypeMap.entrySet()) {
			primitiveTypeToWrapperMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());

		Set<Class<?>> primitiveTypes = new HashSet<>(32);
		Collections.addAll(primitiveTypes, boolean[].class, byte[].class, char[].class,
				double[].class, float[].class, int[].class, long[].class, short[].class);
		for (Class<?> primitiveType : primitiveTypes) {
			primitiveTypeNameMap.put(primitiveType.getName(), primitiveType);

		registerCommonClasses(Boolean[].class, Byte[].class, Character[].class, Double[].class,
				Float[].class, Integer[].class, Long[].class, Short[].class);
		registerCommonClasses(Number.class, Number[].class, String.class, String[].class,
				Class.class, Class[].class, Object.class, Object[].class);
		registerCommonClasses(Throwable.class, Exception.class, RuntimeException.class,
				Error.class, StackTraceElement.class, StackTraceElement[].class);
		registerCommonClasses(Enum.class, Iterable.class, Iterator.class, Enumeration.class,
				Collection.class, List.class, Set.class, Map.class, Map.Entry.class, Optional.class);

		Class<?>[] javaLanguageInterfaceArray = {Serializable.class, Externalizable.class,
				Closeable.class, AutoCloseable.class, Cloneable.class, Comparable.class};
		javaLanguageInterfaces = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(javaLanguageInterfaceArray));

	 * Register the given common classes with the ClassUtils cache.
	private static void registerCommonClasses(Class<?>... commonClasses) {
		for (Class<?> clazz : commonClasses) {
			commonClassCache.put(clazz.getName(), clazz);


	 * Replacement for {@code Class.forName()} that also returns Class instances
	 * for primitives (e.g. "int") and array class names (e.g. "String[]").
	 * Furthermore, it is also capable of resolving inner class names in Java source
	 * style (e.g. "java.lang.Thread.State" instead of "java.lang.Thread$State").
	 * @param name the name of the Class
	 * @param classLoader the class loader to use
	 * (may be {@code null}, which indicates the default class loader)
	 * @return a class instance for the supplied name
	 * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class was not found
	 * @throws LinkageError if the class file could not be loaded
	 * @see Class#forName(String, boolean, ClassLoader)
	public static Class<?> forName(String name, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader)
			throws ClassNotFoundException, LinkageError {

		Assert.notNull(name, "Name must not be null");

		Class<?> clazz = resolvePrimitiveClassName(name);
		if (clazz == null) {
			clazz = commonClassCache.get(name);
		if (clazz != null) {
			return clazz;

		// "java.lang.String[]" style arrays
		if (name.endsWith(ARRAY_SUFFIX)) {
			String elementClassName = name.substring(0, name.length() - ARRAY_SUFFIX.length());
			Class<?> elementClass = forName(elementClassName, classLoader);
			return Array.newInstance(elementClass, 0).getClass();

		// "[Ljava.lang.String;" style arrays
		if (name.startsWith(NON_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_PREFIX) && name.endsWith(";")) {
			String elementName = name.substring(NON_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_PREFIX.length(), name.length() - 1);
			Class<?> elementClass = forName(elementName, classLoader);
			return Array.newInstance(elementClass, 0).getClass();

		// "[[I" or "[[Ljava.lang.String;" style arrays
		if (name.startsWith(INTERNAL_ARRAY_PREFIX)) {
			String elementName = name.substring(INTERNAL_ARRAY_PREFIX.length());
			Class<?> elementClass = forName(elementName, classLoader);
			return Array.newInstance(elementClass, 0).getClass();

		ClassLoader clToUse = classLoader;
		if (clToUse == null) {
			clToUse = getDefaultClassLoader();
		try {
			return Class.forName(name, false, clToUse);
		catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
			int lastDotIndex = name.lastIndexOf(PACKAGE_SEPARATOR);
			if (lastDotIndex != -1) {
				String innerClassName =
						name.substring(0, lastDotIndex) + INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR + name.substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
				try {
					return Class.forName(innerClassName, false, clToUse);
				catch (ClassNotFoundException ex2) {
					// Swallow - let original exception get through
			throw ex;


	 * Return the default ClassLoader to use: typically the thread context
	 * ClassLoader, if available; the ClassLoader that loaded the ClassUtils
	 * class will be used as fallback.
	 * <p>Call this method if you intend to use the thread context ClassLoader
	 * in a scenario where you clearly prefer a non-null ClassLoader reference:
	 * for example, for class path resource loading (but not necessarily for
	 * {@code Class.forName}, which accepts a {@code null} ClassLoader
	 * reference as well).
	 * @return the default ClassLoader (only {@code null} if even the system
	 * ClassLoader isn't accessible)
	 * @see Thread#getContextClassLoader()
	 * @see ClassLoader#getSystemClassLoader()
	public static ClassLoader getDefaultClassLoader() {
		ClassLoader cl = null;
		try {
			cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			// Cannot access thread context ClassLoader - falling back...
		if (cl == null) {
			// No thread context class loader -> use class loader of this class.
			cl = ClassUtils.class.getClassLoader();
			if (cl == null) {
				// getClassLoader() returning null indicates the bootstrap ClassLoader
				try {
					cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
				catch (Throwable ex) {
					// Cannot access system ClassLoader - oh well, maybe the caller can live with null...
		return cl;


	 * Determine whether the {@link Class} identified by the supplied name is present
	 * and can be loaded. Will return {@code false} if either the class or
	 * one of its dependencies is not present or cannot be loaded.
	 * @param className the name of the class to check
	 * @param classLoader the class loader to use
	 * (may be {@code null} which indicates the default class loader)
	 * @return whether the specified class is present (including all of its
	 * superclasses and interfaces)
	 * @throws IllegalStateException if the corresponding class is resolvable but
	 * there was a readability mismatch in the inheritance hierarchy of the class
	 * (typically a missing dependency declaration in a Jigsaw module definition
	 * for a superclass or interface implemented by the class to be checked here)
	public static boolean isPresent(String className, @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
		try {
			forName(className, classLoader);
			return true;
		catch (IllegalAccessError err) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Readability mismatch in inheritance hierarchy of class [" +
					className + "]: " + err.getMessage(), err);
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			// Typically ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError...
			return false;


	 * Strategy method used to create the {@link ApplicationContext}. By default this
	 * method will respect any explicitly set application context or application context
	 * class before falling back to a suitable default.
	 * @return the application context (not yet refreshed)
	 * @see #setApplicationContextClass(Class)
	protected ConfigurableApplicationContext createApplicationContext() {
		Class<?> contextClass = this.applicationContextClass;
		if (contextClass == null) {
			try {
				switch (this.webApplicationType) {
				case SERVLET:
					contextClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_SERVLET_WEB_CONTEXT_CLASS);
				case REACTIVE:
					contextClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_REACTIVE_WEB_CONTEXT_CLASS);
					contextClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_CONTEXT_CLASS);
			catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
				throw new IllegalStateException(
						"Unable create a default ApplicationContext, "
								+ "please specify an ApplicationContextClass",
		return (ConfigurableApplicationContext) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(contextClass);



@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface Order {

	 * The order value.
	 * <p>Default is {@link Ordered#LOWEST_PRECEDENCE}.
	 * @see Ordered#getOrder()
	int value() default Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE;


 * {@code Ordered} is an interface that can be implemented by objects that
 * should be <em>orderable</em>, for example in a {@code Collection}.
 * <p>The actual {@link #getOrder() order} can be interpreted as prioritization,
 * with the first object (with the lowest order value) having the highest
 * priority.
 * <p>Note that there is also a <em>priority</em> marker for this interface:
 * {@link PriorityOrdered}. Order values expressed by {@code PriorityOrdered}
 * objects always apply before same order values expressed by <em>plain</em>
 * {@link Ordered} objects.
 * <p>Consult the Javadoc for {@link OrderComparator} for details on the
 * sort semantics for non-ordered objects.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @since 07.04.2003
 * @see PriorityOrdered
 * @see OrderComparator
 * @see org.springframework.core.annotation.Order
 * @see org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationAwareOrderComparator
public interface Ordered {

	 * Useful constant for the highest precedence value.
	 * @see java.lang.Integer#MIN_VALUE

	 * Useful constant for the lowest precedence value.
	 * @see java.lang.Integer#MAX_VALUE

	 * Get the order value of this object.
	 * <p>Higher values are interpreted as lower priority. As a consequence,
	 * the object with the lowest value has the highest priority (somewhat
	 * analogous to Servlet {@code load-on-startup} values).
	 * <p>Same order values will result in arbitrary sort positions for the
	 * affected objects.
	 * @return the order value
	int getOrder();



public class OrderComparator implements Comparator<Object> {

	 * Shared default instance of {@code OrderComparator}.
	public static final OrderComparator INSTANCE = new OrderComparator();

	 * Build an adapted order comparator with the given source provider.
	 * @param sourceProvider the order source provider to use
	 * @return the adapted comparator
	 * @since 4.1
	public Comparator<Object> withSourceProvider(OrderSourceProvider sourceProvider) {
		return (o1, o2) -> doCompare(o1, o2, sourceProvider);

	public int compare(@Nullable Object o1, @Nullable Object o2) {
		return doCompare(o1, o2, null);

	private int doCompare(@Nullable Object o1, @Nullable Object o2, @Nullable OrderSourceProvider sourceProvider) {
		boolean p1 = (o1 instanceof PriorityOrdered);
		boolean p2 = (o2 instanceof PriorityOrdered);
		if (p1 && !p2) {
			return -1;
		else if (p2 && !p1) {
			return 1;
		int i1 = getOrder(o1, sourceProvider);
		int i2 = getOrder(o2, sourceProvider);
		return Integer.compare(i1, i2);

	 * Determine the order value for the given object.
	 * <p>The default implementation checks against the given {@link OrderSourceProvider}
	 * using {@link #findOrder} and falls back to a regular {@link #getOrder(Object)} call.
	 * @param obj the object to check
	 * @return the order value, or {@code Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE} as fallback
	private int getOrder(@Nullable Object obj, @Nullable OrderSourceProvider sourceProvider) {
		Integer order = null;
		if (obj != null && sourceProvider != null) {
			Object orderSource = sourceProvider.getOrderSource(obj);
			if (orderSource != null) {
				if (orderSource.getClass().isArray()) {
					Object[] sources = ObjectUtils.toObjectArray(orderSource);
					for (Object source : sources) {
						order = findOrder(source);
						if (order != null) {
				else {
					order = findOrder(orderSource);
		return (order != null ? order : getOrder(obj));

	 * Determine the order value for the given object.
	 * <p>The default implementation checks against the {@link Ordered} interface
	 * through delegating to {@link #findOrder}. Can be overridden in subclasses.
	 * @param obj the object to check
	 * @return the order value, or {@code Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE} as fallback
	protected int getOrder(@Nullable Object obj) {
		if (obj != null) {
			Integer order = findOrder(obj);
			if (order != null) {
				return order;
		return Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE;

	 * Find an order value indicated by the given object.
	 * <p>The default implementation checks against the {@link Ordered} interface.
	 * Can be overridden in subclasses.
	 * @param obj the object to check
	 * @return the order value, or {@code null} if none found
	protected Integer findOrder(Object obj) {
		return (obj instanceof Ordered ? ((Ordered) obj).getOrder() : null);

	 * Determine a priority value for the given object, if any.
	 * <p>The default implementation always returns {@code null}.
	 * Subclasses may override this to give specific kinds of values a
	 * 'priority' characteristic, in addition to their 'order' semantics.
	 * A priority indicates that it may be used for selecting one object over
	 * another, in addition to serving for ordering purposes in a list/array.
	 * @param obj the object to check
	 * @return the priority value, or {@code null} if none
	 * @since 4.1
	public Integer getPriority(Object obj) {
		return null;



 * {@code AnnotationAwareOrderComparator} is an extension of
 * {@link OrderComparator} that supports Spring's
 * {@link org.springframework.core.Ordered} interface as well as the
 * {@link Order @Order} and {@link javax.annotation.Priority @Priority}
 * annotations, with an order value provided by an {@code Ordered}
 * instance overriding a statically defined annotation value (if any).
 * <p>Consult the Javadoc for {@link OrderComparator} for details on the
 * sort semantics for non-ordered objects.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Oliver Gierke
 * @author Stephane Nicoll
 * @since 2.0.1
 * @see org.springframework.core.Ordered
 * @see org.springframework.core.annotation.Order
 * @see javax.annotation.Priority
public class AnnotationAwareOrderComparator extends OrderComparator {
	 * This implementation checks for {@link Order @Order} or
	 * {@link javax.annotation.Priority @Priority} on various kinds of
	 * elements, in addition to the {@link org.springframework.core.Ordered}
	 * check in the superclass.
	protected Integer findOrder(Object obj) {
		// Check for regular Ordered interface
		Integer order = super.findOrder(obj);
		if (order != null) {
			return order;

		// Check for @Order and @Priority on various kinds of elements
		if (obj instanceof Class) {
			return OrderUtils.getOrder((Class<?>) obj);
		else if (obj instanceof Method) {
			Order ann = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation((Method) obj, Order.class);
			if (ann != null) {
				return ann.value();
		else if (obj instanceof AnnotatedElement) {
			Order ann = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation((AnnotatedElement) obj, Order.class);
			if (ann != null) {
				return ann.value();
		else {
			order = OrderUtils.getOrder(obj.getClass());
			if (order == null && obj instanceof DecoratingProxy) {
				order = OrderUtils.getOrder(((DecoratingProxy) obj).getDecoratedClass());

		return order;



 * A service interface for type conversion. This is the entry point into the convert system.
 * Call {@link #convert(Object, Class)} to perform a thread-safe type conversion using this system.
 * @author Keith Donald
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @since 3.0
public interface ConversionService {

	 * Return {@code true} if objects of {@code sourceType} can be converted to the {@code targetType}.
	 * <p>If this method returns {@code true}, it means {@link #convert(Object, Class)} is capable
	 * of converting an instance of {@code sourceType} to {@code targetType}.
	 * <p>Special note on collections, arrays, and maps types:
	 * For conversion between collection, array, and map types, this method will return {@code true}
	 * even though a convert invocation may still generate a {@link ConversionException} if the
	 * underlying elements are not convertible. Callers are expected to handle this exceptional case
	 * when working with collections and maps.
	 * @param sourceType the source type to convert from (may be {@code null} if source is {@code null})
	 * @param targetType the target type to convert to (required)
	 * @return {@code true} if a conversion can be performed, {@code false} if not
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code targetType} is {@code null}
	boolean canConvert(@Nullable Class<?> sourceType, Class<?> targetType);

	 * Return {@code true} if objects of {@code sourceType} can be converted to the {@code targetType}.
	 * The TypeDescriptors provide additional context about the source and target locations
	 * where conversion would occur, often object fields or property locations.
	 * <p>If this method returns {@code true}, it means {@link #convert(Object, TypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptor)}
	 * is capable of converting an instance of {@code sourceType} to {@code targetType}.
	 * <p>Special note on collections, arrays, and maps types:
	 * For conversion between collection, array, and map types, this method will return {@code true}
	 * even though a convert invocation may still generate a {@link ConversionException} if the
	 * underlying elements are not convertible. Callers are expected to handle this exceptional case
	 * when working with collections and maps.
	 * @param sourceType context about the source type to convert from
	 * (may be {@code null} if source is {@code null})
	 * @param targetType context about the target type to convert to (required)
	 * @return {@code true} if a conversion can be performed between the source and target types,
	 * {@code false} if not
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code targetType} is {@code null}
	boolean canConvert(@Nullable TypeDescriptor sourceType, TypeDescriptor targetType);

	 * Convert the given {@code source} to the specified {@code targetType}.
	 * @param source the source object to convert (may be {@code null})
	 * @param targetType the target type to convert to (required)
	 * @return the converted object, an instance of targetType
	 * @throws ConversionException if a conversion exception occurred
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is {@code null}
	<T> T convert(@Nullable Object source, Class<T> targetType);

	 * Convert the given {@code source} to the specified {@code targetType}.
	 * The TypeDescriptors provide additional context about the source and target locations
	 * where conversion will occur, often object fields or property locations.
	 * @param source the source object to convert (may be {@code null})
	 * @param sourceType context about the source type to convert from
	 * (may be {@code null} if source is {@code null})
	 * @param targetType context about the target type to convert to (required)
	 * @return the converted object, an instance of {@link TypeDescriptor#getObjectType() targetType}
	 * @throws ConversionException if a conversion exception occurred
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is {@code null},
	 * or {@code sourceType} is {@code null} but source is not {@code null}
	Object convert(@Nullable Object source, @Nullable TypeDescriptor sourceType, TypeDescriptor targetType);



 * For registering converters with a type conversion system.
 * @author Keith Donald
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 3.0
public interface ConverterRegistry {

	 * Add a plain converter to this registry.
	 * The convertible source/target type pair is derived from the Converter's parameterized types.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameterized types could not be resolved
	void addConverter(Converter<?, ?> converter);

	 * Add a plain converter to this registry.
	 * The convertible source/target type pair is specified explicitly.
	 * <p>Allows for a Converter to be reused for multiple distinct pairs without
	 * having to create a Converter class for each pair.
	 * @since 3.1
	<S, T> void addConverter(Class<S> sourceType, Class<T> targetType, Converter<? super S, ? extends T> converter);

	 * Add a generic converter to this registry.
	void addConverter(GenericConverter converter);

	 * Add a ranged converter factory to this registry.
	 * The convertible source/target type pair is derived from the ConverterFactory's parameterized types.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameterized types could not be resolved
	void addConverterFactory(ConverterFactory<?, ?> factory);

	 * Remove any converters from {@code sourceType} to {@code targetType}.
	 * @param sourceType the source type
	 * @param targetType the target type
	void removeConvertible(Class<?> sourceType, Class<?> targetType);



 * Configuration interface to be implemented by most if not all {@link ConversionService}
 * types. Consolidates the read-only operations exposed by {@link ConversionService} and
 * the mutating operations of {@link ConverterRegistry} to allow for convenient ad-hoc
 * addition and removal of {@link org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter
 * Converters} through. The latter is particularly useful when working against a
 * {@link org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment ConfigurableEnvironment}
 * instance in application context bootstrapping code.
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @since 3.1
 * @see org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurablePropertyResolver#getConversionService()
 * @see org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment
 * @see org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext#getEnvironment()
public interface ConfigurableConversionService extends ConversionService, ConverterRegistry {



 * Generic converter interface for converting between two or more types.
 * <p>This is the most flexible of the Converter SPI interfaces, but also the most complex.
 * It is flexible in that a GenericConverter may support converting between multiple source/target
 * type pairs (see {@link #getConvertibleTypes()}. In addition, GenericConverter implementations
 * have access to source/target {@link TypeDescriptor field context} during the type conversion
 * process. This allows for resolving source and target field metadata such as annotations and
 * generics information, which can be used to influence the conversion logic.
 * <p>This interface should generally not be used when the simpler {@link Converter} or
 * {@link ConverterFactory} interface is sufficient.
 * <p>Implementations may additionally implement {@link ConditionalConverter}.
 * @author Keith Donald
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 3.0
 * @see TypeDescriptor
 * @see Converter
 * @see ConverterFactory
 * @see ConditionalConverter
public interface GenericConverter {

	 * Return the source and target types that this converter can convert between.
	 * <p>Each entry is a convertible source-to-target type pair.
	 * <p>For {@link ConditionalConverter conditional converters} this method may return
	 * {@code null} to indicate all source-to-target pairs should be considered.
	Set<ConvertiblePair> getConvertibleTypes();

	 * Convert the source object to the targetType described by the {@code TypeDescriptor}.
	 * @param source the source object to convert (may be {@code null})
	 * @param sourceType the type descriptor of the field we are converting from
	 * @param targetType the type descriptor of the field we are converting to
	 * @return the converted object
	Object convert(@Nullable Object source, TypeDescriptor sourceType, TypeDescriptor targetType);

	 * Holder for a source-to-target class pair.
	final class ConvertiblePair {

		private final Class<?> sourceType;

		private final Class<?> targetType;

		 * Create a new source-to-target pair.
		 * @param sourceType the source type
		 * @param targetType the target type
		public ConvertiblePair(Class<?> sourceType, Class<?> targetType) {
			Assert.notNull(sourceType, "Source type must not be null");
			Assert.notNull(targetType, "Target type must not be null");
			this.sourceType = sourceType;
			this.targetType = targetType;

		public Class<?> getSourceType() {
			return this.sourceType;

		public Class<?> getTargetType() {
			return this.targetType;

		public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
			if (this == other) {
				return true;
			if (other == null || other.getClass() != ConvertiblePair.class) {
				return false;
			ConvertiblePair otherPair = (ConvertiblePair) other;
			return (this.sourceType == otherPair.sourceType && this.targetType == otherPair.targetType);

		public int hashCode() {
			return (this.sourceType.hashCode() * 31 + this.targetType.hashCode());

		public String toString() {
			return (this.sourceType.getName() + " -> " + this.targetType.getName());







	 * Run the Spring application, creating and refreshing a new
	 * {@link ApplicationContext}.
	 * @param args the application arguments (usually passed from a Java main method)
	 * @return a running {@link ApplicationContext}
	public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String... args) {
		StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
		ConfigurableApplicationContext context = null;
		Collection<SpringBootExceptionReporter> exceptionReporters = new ArrayList<>();
		SpringApplicationRunListeners listeners = getRunListeners(args);
		try {
			ApplicationArguments applicationArguments = new DefaultApplicationArguments(
			ConfigurableEnvironment environment = prepareEnvironment(listeners,
			Banner printedBanner = printBanner(environment);
			context = createApplicationContext();
			exceptionReporters = getSpringFactoriesInstances(
					new Class[] { ConfigurableApplicationContext.class }, context);
			prepareContext(context, environment, listeners, applicationArguments,
			afterRefresh(context, applicationArguments);
			if (this.logStartupInfo) {
				new StartupInfoLogger(this.mainApplicationClass)
						.logStarted(getApplicationLog(), stopWatch);
			callRunners(context, applicationArguments);
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			handleRunFailure(context, ex, exceptionReporters, listeners);
			throw new IllegalStateException(ex);

		try {
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			handleRunFailure(context, ex, exceptionReporters, null);
			throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
		return context;


	private void refreshContext(ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {
		if (this.registerShutdownHook) {
			try {
			catch (AccessControlException ex) {
				// Not allowed in some environments.


	 * Refresh the underlying {@link ApplicationContext}.
	 * @param applicationContext the application context to refresh
	protected void refresh(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
		Assert.isInstanceOf(AbstractApplicationContext.class, applicationContext);
		((AbstractApplicationContext) applicationContext).refresh();



	/** Synchronization monitor for the "refresh" and "destroy". */
	private final Object startupShutdownMonitor = new Object();
	public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException {
		synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {
			// Prepare this context for refreshing.

			// Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.
			ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();

			// Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.

			try {
				// Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses.

				// Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.

				// Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.

				// Initialize message source for this context.

				// Initialize event multicaster for this context.

				// Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses.

				// Check for listener beans and register them.

				// Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.

				// Last step: publish corresponding event.

			catch (BeansException ex) {
				if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
					logger.warn("Exception encountered during context initialization - " +
							"cancelling refresh attempt: " + ex);

				// Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources.

				// Reset 'active' flag.

				// Propagate exception to caller.
				throw ex;

			finally {
				// Reset common introspection caches in Spring's core, since we
				// might not ever need metadata for singleton beans anymore...